Mobile IV

What better way to feel healthy and refreshed than to relax in the comfort of your own home while getting all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs. From immune boost to beauty drip, there’s an IV for you!

Mobile IV

& CoVid-19 testing at your doorstep!

All the benefits of IV therapy in the comfort of your own home.
Now Offering At-Home & Corporate COVID-19 testing.

No Travel Fees. No Waiting Rooms. No Hassle.

Getting your IV drip is as easy as 1,2 and 3!

Choose treatment

Make your selection from our IV products or other services.

Book appointment

Choose the time and date that best work with your schedule.

We come to you!

Healthcare provider arrives at your location.

Because prevention is always better than cure!

Stay healthy, always.

More people are using IV hydration and therapy as part of their preventive regimen to help keep their body, mind and stamina in prime condition. You actually don’t need to have a medical condition to benefit from it. Book your IV drip today and feel the difference.

Immunity Boost
Energy Boost
Hangover Relief
Just to name a few...
Book IV Therapy

Choose the IV that meets your specific needs...

Targeted Treatments

We have a wide selection of IV products categorized by specific benefits.


Vitamin B12 to increase energy levels and zap fatigue.


Vitamin B9 for brain function and cardiovascular health.


B-Complex for overall wellness plus better skin, hair, and nails.


Zofran to significantly reduce or eliminate nausea.


Toradol to decrease inflammation and reduce pain.


Pepcid to soothe heartburn and clear up indigestion.
Why can't I just drink water and take vitamins orally instead of getting an IV drip?
Do you offer membership?
How long do the effects last and how long does it take?
Does the needle hurt and does it leave a bruise after?
Do you offer group discounts?